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Monday, July 19, 2010

A Baking Day

I took today off so that I could focus on baking.  My plan was to try a new way of baking (to me), but it is more of an ancient way of baking (and it's supposedly healthier too!).  I soaked my flour! 

  I had some successes and some failures.  I really have no idea what I am doing yet.  I am the "learn by doing" kind of person.  While I am bummed I wasted a few cups of flour,  it's going to be worth it in the end once I get this figured out.

Last night I started by planning out 6 things I wanted to bake.  Preztles, Bread, muffins, pasties, pigs-in-a blanket dough, and hamburger buns.  I placed the doughs in individual buckets with labels and stuck them in my warm oven overnight.  I made all the doughs either with keifer, buttermilk, or coconut milk and lemon juice.  The acid in these items are supposed to help do the overnight magic of either breaking down the gluten or philets molecules.

   After my normal afternoon routine was completed,  I started with the baking marathon.  Let's just say, if the pretzels had worked out,  I would still be in the kitchen now.  The muffins, bread, and pigs-in-a-blanket worked.  Everything else did not.  I have lots to learn,  but I look forward to trying again, this time with less to bake.

<-- Pigs-in-a-blanket with normal sized hotdogs inside.


  1. Wow, you sure were busy! Sorry it didn't all turn out... you're brave for experimenting on so many different things at once!

  2. This is something I always remember my great grandma doing. Thought it was for sure a lot of extra work.

  3. I am in such a bakey-bake mood lately and this makes me want to bake even more!

  4. the fact that the AC is out and it's already 80 (at 8am, IN MY HOUSE) with 93% humidity means that the baking, at least for now, is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Thanks a lot, Kristie!

  5. Dang, those pigs in a blanket look awesome. Thanks for jumping in on the "Friday Food Flop" fun. :)

    p.s. Love your cute blog design!



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