I hope that you all had a happy Thanksgiving! We had a blast. Went to Memphis to visit some friends, eat turkey, and of course... cook! I love cooking, and there is nothing more fun than cooking with a friend.
I made some homemade pecan pie using two local ingredients. Local sugar cane syrup, and local pecans from my Best Friends backyard. Super yummy! I realized that I think the cane syrup may have been some form of molasses... I need to do some research on that.
This week I made three dishes from the "Vegetables Every Day" cookbook. A sauteed beet recipe that was delicious! A curried carrot soup that was horrible! Seriously, everytime this guy makes a blended veggie soup recipes, it has leeks, and I really do not like the taste of leeks.
Finally I made a brocolini and garlic recipe that I inhaled. It was so good!
Linky Love!
1) All about Brocolini. I got mine at Target. I so suggest that you run out right now, get some, and cook it and eat it. It is so worth it!
2) The rolls I made. They were so pretty, but did not come out right. So sad. But now I feel inspired to make more things in those little jars...
3) This one is for one of my dear friends of all ways comments on my blog posts! My dear, every time I see bacon... I think of you!
That's all for tonight folks! TTYL!